List of Yuriy A. Reznik's contributions to standards
(last updated: March 29, 2018):
Input documents / contributions:
- Y. Reznik, Y. Syed, A. Giladi, G. Reitmeier, and S. Oh, "CICPs for signaling HDR video properties and their use in DASH," MPEG input document M39389, 116th MPEG meeting, Chengdu, China, October 2016.
- Y. Reznik, A. Giladi, "CE on Signaling of Quality-Related Information: AHG report," MPEG input document M31673, 106th MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2013.
- Y. Reznik, S. Zhang, X. Wang, O. Oyman, "Formats for storing quality information within metadata track," MPEG input document M30630, 105th MPEG meeting, Vienna, Austria, July-August 2013.
- W. Liu, R. Vanam, L. Ma, G. S. Sternberg, and Y. Reznik, "On applicability of certain cross-layer optimization techniques to MMT," MPEG input document M30608, 105th MPEG meeting, Austria, July-August 2013.
- Y. Reznik, A. Giladi, "CE on Signaling of Quality-Related Information: AHG report," MPEG input document M30594, MPEG105 - Vienna, Austria, July-August 2013.
- Y. Reznik, "Thoughts on Signaling of Quality Information in MPEG-DASH," MPEG input document M30593, MPEG105 - Vienna, Austria, July-August 2013.
- A. Giladi, Y. Reznik, L. Kerofsky, "Preserving Artistic Intent in a DASH Presentation," MPEG input document M30505, MPEG105 - Vienna, Austria, July-August 2013.
- S. Zhang, X. Wang, R. Yue, S. Cheng, A. Begen, and Y. Reznik, "Quality Information Carriage in File Format," MPEG input document M30350, MPEG105 - Vienna, Austria, July-August 2013.
- S. Zhang, X. Wang, R. Yue, O. Oyman, and Y. Reznik, "Metadata Signaling for DASH using Index Files," MPEG input document M30347, MPEG105 - Vienna, Austria, July-August 2013.
- K. Hughes, T. Stockhammer, D. Singer, Y. Reznik, "On coding-independed code points," MPEG input document M29483, 104th MPEG meeting, Incheon, Korea, April 2013.
- Y. Reznik, "Proposed editorial improvements for 23009-3," MPEG input document M29456, 104th MPEG meeting, Incheon, Korea, April 2013.
- Y. Reznik, "On rate adaptation model of DASH client," MPEG input document M28212, 103rd MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, January 2013.
- Y. Reznik, A. Giladi, "CE-QDS progress report," MPEG input document M28211, 103rd MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, January 2013.
- Y. Reznik, "Proposed editorial improvements for 23009-3," MPEG input document M28210, 103rd MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, January 2013.
- Y. Reznik, "Proposed test sequences and framework for DASH CE on quality signaling," MPEG input document M26926, 102nd MPEG meeting, Shanghai, China, October 2012.
- Y. Reznik, "Proposed editorial improvements for 23009-3," MPEG input document M26924, 102nd MPEG meeting, Shanghai, China, October 2012.
- Y. Reznik, S. Zhang, A. Giladi, and X. Wang, "Quality-driven Adaptive Streaming," MPEG input document M26323, 101st MPEG meeting, Stockholm, July 2012.
- Y. Reznik, "Proposed additional attributes for MPEG-DASH," MPEG input document M25997, 101st MPEG meeting, Stockholm, July 2012.
- Y. Reznik, "Achieving consistent quality of video delivery with MPEG-DASH," MPEG input document M25996, 101st MPEG meeting, Stockholm, July 2012.
- Y. Reznik, "Proposed editorial improvements for WD 23009-3," MPEG input document M25995, 101st MPEG meeting, Stockholm, July 2012.
- D. Singer, T. Stockhammer, I. Sodagar, Y. Reznik, "Towards an MMT CD," MPEG input document M25973, 101st MPEG meeting, Stockholm, July 2012.
- E. Asbun, Y. Reznik, "Cross check of test vectors for dependent representations," MPEG input document M24979, 101st MPEG meeting, Stockholm, July 2012.
- Y. Reznik, K. Hughes, T. Stockhammer, "Proposed editorial improvements to WD of 23009-3," MPEG input document M24978, 100th MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, April-May 2012.
- A. Hinds, Y. Reznik, "Addressing comments for ISO/IEC 23002-1:2006," MPEG input document M24966, 100th MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, April-May 2012.
- D. Pau, V. Alto, A. Bruna, V. Chandrasekhar, B. Girod, A. Huggett, G. Takacs, S. Gupta, B. Flinchbaugh, Y. Reznik, K. Iwamoto, R. Mase, "CDVS Test Model Evolution: Position on Memory Requirements," MPEG input document M24739, 100th MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, April-May 2012.
- D. Singer, T. Stockhammer, P. Frodjh, Y. Reznik, I. Sodagar, "Developing a file format for MMT," MPEG input document M23809, 99th MPEG meeting, San Jose, February 2012.
- Y. Reznik, "Cross check of CDVS proposals," MPEG input document M23773, 99th MPEG meeting, San Jose, February 2012.
- Y. Reznik, "Cross check of DASH conformance sequences," MPEG input document M23772, 99th MPEG meeting, San Jose, February 2012.
- Y. Reznik, G. Cordara, M. Bober, D. Pau, "Meeting Report of reviews of the responses to the Call for Proposals for Compact Descriptors for Visual Search," MPEG input document M22814, 98th MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, November 2011.
- Y. Reznik, G. Cordara, M. Bober, D. Pau, "Ad Hoc on Compact Descriptors for Visual Search," MPEG input document M21472, 98th MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, November 2011.
- Y. Reznik, "Proposed update of CDVS evaluation software," MPEG input document M21380, 97th MPEG meeting, Torino, Italy, July 2011.
- Y. Reznik, G. Cordara, M. Bober, "Proposed update for text of CDVS evaluation framework," MPEG input document M21291, 97th MPEG meeting, Torino, Italy, July 2011.
- Y. Reznik, G. Cordara, M. Bober, "Proposed update for text of CDVS CfP," MPEG input document M21290, 97th MPEG meeting, Torino, Italy, July 2011.
- Y. Reznik, G. Cordara, M. Bober, "CDVS BoG report from 96th MPEG meeting," MPEG input document M21288, 97th MPEG meeting, Torino, Italy, July 2011.
- R. Joshi, Y. Reznik, J. Sole, M. Karczewicz, "Recursive factorization for 16 and 32-point transforms using 4 and 8-point HM 3.0 core transforms," MPEG/JCT-VC input document m21026, 97th MPEG meeting, Torino, Italy, July 2011.
- R. Joshi, Y. Reznik, J. Sole, M. Karczewicz, "CE10: Scaled orthogonal integer transforms supporting recursive factorization structure," MPEG/JCT-VC input document m20775, 97th MPEG meeting, Torino, Italy, July 2011.
- Y. Reznik, G. Cordara, M. Bober, "Ad Hoc on Compact Descriptors for Visual Search," MPEG input document M20295, 97th MPEG meeting, Torino, Italy, July 2011.
- Y. Reznik, "CDVS BoG report from 95th MPEG meeting," MPEG input document M20100, 96th MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2011.
- R. Joshi, Y. Reznik, J. Sole, M. Karczewicz, "CE10: Scaled orthogonal integer transforms supporting recursive factorization structure," MPEG/JCT-VC input document m19900, 96th MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2011.
- Y. Reznik, G. Cordara, M. Bober, "Ad Hoc on Compact Descriptors for Visual Search," MPEG input document M19516, 96th MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2011.
- Y. Reznik, "CDVS evaluation framework," MPEG input document M19380, 95th MPEG meeting, Daegu, Korea, January 2011.
- N. Harada, Y. Kamamoto, T. Moriya, T. Liebchen, Y. Reznik, "Proposed draft corrigendum of ISO/IEC 14496-3:2009 for ALS floating point data corrections," MPEG input document M19197, 95th MPEG meeting, Daegu, Korea, January 2011.
- R. Joshi, Y. Reznik, J. Sole, M. Karczewicz, "Efficient 16 and 32-point transforms," MPEG/JCT-VC input document m19020, 95th MPEG meeting, Daegu, Korea, January 2011.
- Y. Reznik, G. Cordara, M. Bober, "Ad Hoc on Compact Descriptors for Visual Search," MPEG input document M18638, 95th MPEG meeting, Daegu, Korea, January 2011.
- Y. Reznik, "Thoughts on next steps for CDVS project," MPEG input document M18485, 94th MPEG meeting, Guangzhou, China, October 2010.
- Y. Reznik, G. Cordara, M. Bober, "Ad Hoc on Compact Descriptors for Visual Search," MPEG input document M17983, 94th MPEG meeting, Guangzhou, China, October 2010.
- T. Stockhammer, M. Watson, M. Karczewicz, Y. Chen, Y. Reznik, Y-K. Wang, S. Zhang, D. Furbeck, A. Shukla, C. Priddle, P. Frojdh, D. Singer, "Reply to CfP on HTTP Streaming: 3GPP Adaptive HTTP Streaming," MPEG input document M17875, 93rd MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2010.
- N. Harada, Y. Kamamoto, T. Moriya, T. Liebchen, Y. Reznik, "Proposed draft corrigendum for MPEG-4 ALS," MPEG input document M17864, 93rd MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2010.
- Y. Reznik, "Mobile visual search: architectures and tradeoffs," MPEG input document M17795, 93rd MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2010.
- Y. Reznik, "Software and databases for visual search: summary of AHG discussion," MPEG input document M17794, 93rd MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2010.
- Y. Reznik, G. Cordara, M. Bober, "Ad Hoc on Compact Descriptors for Visual Search," MPEG input document M17656, 93rd MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2010.
- Y. Reznik, V. Chandrasekhar, "On Requirements for Mobile Visual Search (MVS)," MPEG input document M17582, 92nd MPEG meeting, Dresden, April 2010.
- Y. Reznik, "On algorithms and architectures for mobile visual search," MPEG input document M17282, 91st MPEG meeting, Kyoto, Japan, January 2010.
- Y. Reznik, K-H. Kim, C-H. Hsu, J. Singh, H. Bay, "Mobile Visual Search and Mobile Augmented Reality Applications: Opportunity for a new Standard," MPEG input document M17170, 91st MPEG meeting, Kyoto, Japan, January 2010.
- Y. Reznik, "Cross-check of contribution M17168 (Comparison of Image Feature Descriptors for Mobile Visual Search)," MPEG input document M17169, 91st MPEG meeting, Kyoto, Japan, January 2010.
- Y. Reznik, R. K. Chivukula, "On complexity of size 960 transform in AAC family of codecs," MPEG input document M16443, 88th MPEG meeting, Maui, Hawaii, April 2009.
- Y. Reznik, R. K. Chivukula, "Fast SBR filterbanks for AAC-ELD, HE-AAC, and USAC," MPEG input document M16441, 88th MPEG meeting, Maui, Hawaii, April 2009.
- Y. Reznik, R. K. Chivukula, "On design of transforms for high-resolution / high-performance video coding," MPEG input document M16438, 88th MPEG meeting, Maui, Hawaii, April 2009.
- Y. Reznik, "Comment on proposal for MPEG-4 ALS profiles/levels," MPEG input document M15715, 85th MPEG meeting, Hannover, Germany, July 2008.
- Y. Reznik, R. K. Chivukula, J. Huang, and N. Srinivasamurthy, "Proposed informative addition to AAC ELD," MPEG input document M15008, 82nd MPEG meeting, Shenzhen, China, October 2007.
- G. Sullivan, Y. Reznik, A. Hinds, L. Yu, "ISO/IEC 23002-2 FCD (Updated with Editor`s Input)," MPEG input document M14901, 82nd MPEG meeting, Shenzhen, China, October 2007.
- A. Hinds, Y. Reznik, L. Bivolarsky, "A note on the potential use of ISO/IEC 23002-2 DCT/IDCT standard in JPEG", JPEG input document N4289, 42nd JPEG meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2007.
- Y. Reznik, "Brief comment on complexity of MDCT," MPEG input document M14755, 81st MPEG meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2007.
- Y. Reznik, H. Qi, L. Yu, "Integration of ISO/IEC 23002-2 IDCT in RVC tool library," MPEG input document M14721, 81st MPEG meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2007.
- Y. Reznik, R. K. Chivukula, "Listening test results for speech-audio coding explorations," MPEG input document M14716, 81st MPEG meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2007.
- Y. Reznik, M. Karczewicz, and Y. Bao, "A note on macroblock-level bitstream consistency," VCEG input document VCEG-AF16, 32nd VCEG meeting, San Jose, CA, USA, April, 2007.
- Y. Reznik, L. Bivolarski, "Proposal for adding ISO/IEC 23002-2 in RVC tool library," MPEG input document M14510, 80th MPEG meeting, San Jose, USA, April 2007.
- Y. Reznik, "Cross-check of IDCT conformance tests," MPEG input document M14509, 80th MPEG meeting, San Jose, USA, April 2007.
- Y. Reznik, "Summary of core experiments on fixed point IDCT/DCT," MPEG input document M14506, 80th MPEG meeting, San Jose, USA, April 2007.
- Y. Reznik, A. Hinds, "Updated H.263-based IDCT testbed," MPEG input document M14347, 80th MPEG meeting, San Jose, USA, April 2007.
- Y. Reznik, "Updated 23002-1 IDCT precision testbed," MPEG input document M14346, 80th MPEG meeting, San Jose, USA, April 2007.
- Y. Reznik, "Study Text of ISO/IEC 23002-1/PDAM1 (editors input)," MPEG input document M14311, 80th MPEG meeting, San Jose, USA, April 2007.
- Y. Reznik, G. Sullivan, A. Hinds, "Study Text of ISO/IEC 23002 CD (editors input)," MPEG input document M14310, 80th MPEG meeting, San Jose, USA, April 2007.
- M. Mattavelli, G. Sullivan, A. Hinds, Y. Reznik, P. Topiwala, "AHG on Video IDCT Specification," MPEG input document M14270, 80th MPEG meeting, San Jose, USA, April 2007.
- Y. Reznik, "Text of ISO/IEC CD 23002-2 (editors input)," MPEG input document M14240, 79th MPEG meeting, Marrakech, Morocco, January 2007.
- Y. Reznik, "On minimum necessary IDCT precision implied by MPEG mismatch control," MPEG input document M14170, 79th MPEG meeting, Marrakech, Morocco, January 2007.
- Y. Reznik, "Summary of core experiments on fixed point IDCT/DCT," MPEG input document M14167, 79th MPEG meeting, Marrakech, Morocco, January 2007.
- A. Navarro, Y. Reznik, A. Silva, "A Correction on Scalable Fixed-Point 8x8 FDCT/IDCT for CD selection," MPEG input document M14078, 79th MPEG meeting, Marrakech, Morocco, January 2007.
- Y. Reznik, "Updated H.263-based IDCT testbed," MPEG input document M14074, 79th MPEG meeting, Marrakech, Morocco, January 2007.
- Y. Reznik, "Updated 23002-1 IDCT precision testbed," MPEG input document, m14056, 79th MPEG meeting, Marrakech, Morocco, January 2007.
- M. Mattavelli, G. J. Sullivan, A. Hinds, Y. Reznik, P. Topiwala, "AHG on Video IDCT Specification," MPEG input document M14035, 79th MPEG meeting, Marrakech, Morocco, January 2007.
- Y. Reznik, "Examples of existing fixed-point IDCTs," MPEG input document M14006, 78th MPEG meeting, Hangzhou, China, October, 2006.
- Y. Reznik, A. Hinds, C. Zhang, L. Yu, Z. Ni, L. Bivolarski, H. Qi, S. Ma, "Additional information on IDCT CD candidates and proposed core experiments," MPEG input document M14005, 78th MPEG meeting, Hangzhou, China, October, 2006.
- Y. Reznik, "On clipping and dynamic range of variables in IDCT designs," MPEG input document M14004, 78th MPEG meeting, Hangzhou, China, October, 2006.
- Y. Reznik, "Updated H.263+ testbed," MPEG input document M13806, 78th MPEG meeting, Hangzhou, China, October, 2006.
- A. Navarro, Y. Reznik, A. Silva, "Improved IDCT- Replacing M13800,"MPEG input document M13803, 78th MPEG meeting, Hangzhou, China, October, 2006.
- A. Navarro, Y. Reznik, A. Silva, "Improved IDCT," MPEG input document M13800, 78th MPEG meeting, Hangzhou, China, October, 2006.
- Y. Reznik, "Updated IDCT algorithm for CD selection," MPEG input document M13784, 78th MPEG meeting, Hangzhou, China, October, 2006.
- M. Mattavelli, G. Sullivan, A. Hinds, Y. Reznik, P. Topiwala, "AHG on Video IDCT Specification," MPEG input document M13746, 78th MPEG meeting, Hangzhou, China, October, 2006.
- A. S. Ludwin, H. Garudadri, Y. Reznik, H. Chung, P. Sagetong, N. Srinivasamurthy, "On Implementation and Usage of Image and Video Codecs in Mobile Multimedia Devices and Comments on Requirements for MPEG IDCT Project," MPEG input document M13708, 77th MPEG meeting, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006.
- Y. Reznik, "Analysis of hybrid scaled/non-scaled IDCT architectures," MPEG input document M13705, 77th MPEG meeting, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006.
- Y. Reznik, A.T. Hinds, A. Navarro, "On Complexity Criteria and Metrics for MPEG Fixed-Point IDCT Standard," MPEG input document M13703, 77th MPEG meeting, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006.
- A. Hinds, Y. Reznik, "Updated ITU-T T.83 IDCT testbed," MPEG input document M13676, 77th MPEG meeting, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006.
- A. Hinds, Y. Reznik, P. Sagetong, "On IDCT Exactness, Precision, and Drift Problem," MPEG input document M13657, 77th MPEG meeting, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006.
- Y. Reznik, A. Hinds, Cixun Zhang, Lu Yu, Zhibo Ni, "Response to CE on Convergence of Scaled and Non-Scaled IDCT Architectures," MPEG input document M13650, 77th MPEG meeting, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006.
- Y. Reznik, "Cross-checks for IDCT proposals M13171, M13172, M12944, M12640, and M13299," MPEG input document M13469, 77th MPEG meeting, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006.
- Y. Reznik, "Cross-check of responses on CE on convergence of IDCT architectures," MPEG input document M13468, 77th MPEG meeting, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006.
- Y. Reznik, A. Navarro, L. Bivolarski, J. Liu, H. Qi, S. Ma, A. Hinds, C. Zhang, L. Yu, Z. Ni, "Summary of responses on CE on convergence of IDCT architectures," MPEG input document M13467, 77th MPEG meeting, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006.
- M. Mattavelli, G. Sullivan, A. Hinds, Y. Reznik, P. Topiwala, "AHG on Video IDCT Specification," MPEG input document M13392, 77th MPEG meeting, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006.
- Y. Reznik, P. Sagetong, "Experimental Study of Drift Problem Using Scaled Fixed-Point 8x8 IDCT algorithms," MPEG input document M13328, 76th MPEG meeting, Montreux, Switzerland, April 2006.
- Y. Reznik, A. Hinds, "Proposed CE on Additional Improvements in Scaled Fixed-Point 8x8 IDCT," MPEG input document M13327, 76th MPEG meeting, Montreux, Switzerland, April 2006.
- Y. Reznik, A. Hinds, "Proposed CE on Convergence of Scaled and Non-Scaled IDCT Architectures," MPEG input document M13326, 76th MPEG meeting, Montreux, Switzerland, April 2006.
- Y. Reznik, "Cross-check for a Scalable Fixed-Point 8x8 FDCT/IDCT proposal (M12765)," MPEG input document M13325, 76th MPEG meeting, Montreux, Switzerland, April 2006.
- A. Hinds, Y. Reznik, P. Sagetong, H. Qi, S. Ma, A. Navarro, "On benefits of standardizing scaled IDCT architecture," MPEG input document M13311, 76th MPEG meeting, Montreux, Switzerland, April 2006.
- A. Hinds, Y. Reznik, J. L. Mitchell, "On the Enhanced Precision Testing for the IDCT," MPEG input document M13142, 76th MPEG meeting, Montreux, Switzerland, April 2006.
- Y. Reznik, "Considerations for choosing precision of MPEG fixed point 8x8 IDCT standard," MPEG input document M13005, 75th MPEG meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2006.
- Y. Reznik, A. Hinds, H. Qi, S. Ma, "On Joint Implementation of Inverse Quantization and IDCT Scaling," MPEG input document M13004, 75th MPEG meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2006.
- Y. Reznik, A. Hinds, "Improved Proposal for MPEG Fixed Point 8x8 IDCT Standard," MPEG input document M13001, 75th MPEG meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2006.
- A. Hinds, Y. A. Reznik, J. L. Mitchell, "Proposal for Refined Fixed-Point IDCT Precision Test," MPEG input document M12988, 75th MPEG meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2006.
- Y. Reznik, "Cross Check of Fixed Point 8x8 IDCT proposal," MPEG input document M12973, 75th MPEG meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2006.
- Y. Reznik, H. Garudadri, H. Chung, P. Sagetong, N. Srinivasamurthy, "Fixed Point Multiplication-Free 8x8 DCT/IDCT Approximation," MPEG input document M12607, 74th MPEG meeting, Nice, France, October 2005.
- Y. Reznik, "Cross-check of MPEG-4 ALS CE13," MPEG input document M11896, 72nd MPEG meeting, Busan, Korea, April 2005.
- Y. Reznik, "Verification Report on ALS CE6 (Higher Predictor Orders), MPEG input document M11407, 70nd MPEG meeting, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 2004.
- Y. Reznik, "Status of Performance and Complexity of Lossless Audio Coding Architectures," MPEG input document M11406, 70nd MPEG meeting, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 2004.
- Y. Reznik, "Cross-Check of SLS CE4 (Lazy Bitplane Coding)," MPEG input document M11404, 70nd MPEG meeting, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 2004.
- Y. Reznik, T. Liebchen, "Revision of MPEG-4 ALS Core Experiment 7," MPEG input document M11402, 70nd MPEG meeting, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 2004.
- Y. Reznik, "Proposed CE on Additional Enhancements for Lossless Audio Coding," MPEG input document M11114, 69th MPEG meeting, Redmond, WA, USA, July 2004.
- Y. Reznik, "Verification Report on MPEG-4 ALS Core Experiment 4 (Coding of Random Access Frames)," MPEG input document M11112, 69th MPEG meeting, Redmond, WA, USA, July 2004.
- T. Liebchen, Y. Reznik, "Proposed Text of ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001/PDAM 4, Audio Lossless Coding (ALS)," MPEG input document M11061, 69th MPEG meeting, Redmond, WA, USA, July 2004.
- Y. Reznik, "Proposed CE on Coding of LPC Coefficients in MPEG-4 ALS," MPEG input document M10638, 68th MPEG meeting, Munchen, Germany, March 2004.
- Y. Reznik, "Comments on MPEG-4 ALS CE3 reference software," MPEG input document M10637, 69th MPEG meeting, Redmond, WA, USA, July 2004.
- Y. Reznik, "Speed Improvements in MPEG-4 ALS CE1 (Coding of Prediction Residual)," MPEG input document M10162, 66th MPEG meeting, Brisbane, Australia, October 2003.
- Y. Reznik, "Proposed WD1 of ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001 /AMD 4 (Audio Lossless Coding - ALS)," MPEG input document M10161, 66th MPEG meeting, Brisbane, Australia, October 2003.
- Y. Reznik, "Proposed CE for Improving Coding of Prediction Residual," MPEG input document M9893, 65th MPEG meeting, Trondheim, Norway, July 2003.
- Y. Reznik, "Performance Limits of Codes for Prediction Residual," MPEG input document M9890, 65th MPEG meeting, Trondheim, Norway, July 2003.
- Y. Reznik, "Verification Report on RM0 for MPEG4 Lossless Audio Coding," MPEG input document M9879, 65th MPEG meeting, Trondheim, Norway, July 2003.
- MPEG systems subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Text of ISO/IEC CD 23001-10 Carriage of Timed Metadata Metrics of Media in the ISO Base Media File Format," MPEG output document W14129, 107th MPEG meeting, San Jose, CA, USA, January 2014.
- MPEG systems subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Request for subdivision of ISO/IEC 23001-10 Carriage of Timed Metadata Metrics of Media in the ISO Base Media File Format," MPEG output document W14277, 107th MPEG meeting, San Jose, CA, USA, January 2014.
- MPEG systems subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Text of ISO/IEC 23008-1 PDAM 2 Header Compression and Cross Layer Interface," MPEG output document W13699, 105th MPEG meeting, Vienna, Austria, July-August 2013.
- MPEG systems subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Request for ISO/IEC 23008-1 AMD 2 Header Compression and Cross Layer Interface," MPEG output document W13698, 105th MPEG meeting, Vienna, Austria, July-August 2013.
- MPEG systems subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Text of ISO/IEC DTR 23009-3 DASH Implementation Guidelines," MPEG output document W13694, 105th MPEG meeting, Vienna, Austria, July-August 2013.
- MPEG systems subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Study of ISO/IEC PDTR 23009-3 DASH Implementation Guidelines," MPEG output document W13514, 104th MPEG meeting, Incheon, Korea, April 2013.
- MPEG systems subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Revised text of ISO/IEC PDTR 23009-3 DASH Implementation Guidelines," MPEG output document W13289, 103rd MPEG meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, January 2013.
- MPEG systems subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Study of ISO/IEC PDTR 23009-3 DASH Implementation Guidelines," MPEG output document W13087, 102nd MPEG meeting, Shanghai, China, October 2012.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Text of ISO/IEC 23002-1:2006/Amd.1:2008 COR1," MPEG output document W13150, 102nd MPEG meeting, Shanghai, China, October 2012.
- MPEG systems subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Text of ISO/IEC PDTR 23009-3 DASH Implementation Guidelines," MPEG output document W12891, 101st MPEG meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2012.
- MPEG systems subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Request for subdivision of ISO/IEC TR 23009-3 DASH Implementation Guidelines," MPEG output document W12686, 100th MPEG meeting, Geneva, April, 2012.
- MPEG systems subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "WD of ISO/IEC TR 23009-3 DASH Implementation Guidelines," MPEG output document W12687, 100th MPEG meeting, Geneva, April, 2012.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Text of ISO/IEC 23002-1:2006 DCOR1," MPEG output document W12737, 100th MPEG meeting, Geneva, April-May 20012.
- MPEG systems subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "WD of ISO/IEC 23009-3 Implementation Guidelines," MPEG output document W12530, 99th MPEG meeting, San Jose, February, 2012.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Text of ISO/IEC FCD 23002-2 Fixed-point 8x8 IDCT and DCT," MPEG output document W8983, 80th MPEG meeting, San Jose, CA, USA, April 2007.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Text of ISO/IEC 23002-1/FPDAM1 Software for Integer IDCT Accuracy Testing," MPEG output document W8981, 80th MPEG meeting, San Jose, CA, USA, April 2007.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Software Testbed for fixed-point 8x8 DCT/IDCT V 6.0," MPEG output document W8766, 79th MPEG meeting, Marrakech, Morocco, January 2007.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Description of Core Experiments on Fixed-Point 8x8 DCT/IDCT," MPEG output document W8765, 79th MPEG meeting, Marrakech, Morocco, January 2007.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Study Text of ISO/IEC CD 23002-2 Fixed point 8x8 IDCT and DCT," MPEG output document W8764, 79th MPEG meeting, Marrakech, Morocco, January 2007.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Study Text of ISO/IEC 23002-1/PDAM1 Software for Integer IDCT Accuracy Testing," MPEG output document W8763, 79th MPEG meeting, Marrakech, Morocco, January 2007.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Request for ISO/IEC 23002-1/Amd.1 Software for Integer IDCT Accuracy Testing," MPEG output document W8477, 78th MPEG meeting, Hangzhou, China, October 2006.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "ISO/IEC CD 23002-2 Fixed point IDCT and DCT," MPEG output document W8479, 78th MPEG meeting, Hangzhou, China, October 2006.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Description of Core Experiments on Fixed-Point DCT/IDCT," MPEG output document W8480, 78th MPEG meeting, Hangzhou, China, October 2006.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Software Testbed for fixed-point DCT/IDCT V 5.0," MPEG output document W8481, 78th MPEG meeting, Hangzhou, China, October 2006.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Software Testbed for fixed-point DCT/IDCT V 4.0," MPEG output document W8257, 77th MPEG meeting, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Work Plan and Test Metrics for Verification of Fixed-Point DCT/IDCT Proposals in WD 2.0," MPEG output document W8256, 77th MPEG meeting, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Working Draft 2.0 of ISO/IEC 23002-2 Fixed point IDCT and DCT," MPEG output document W8255, 77th MPEG meeting, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Software Testbed for fixed-point DCT/IDCT V 3.0," MPEG output document W8036, 76th MPEG meeting, Montreux, Switzerland, April 2006.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Description of Core Experiments in Fixed-point DCT/IDCT," MPEG output document W8035, 76th MPEG meeting, Montreux, Switzerland, April 2006.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Working Draft 1.0 of ISO/IEC 23002-2 Fixed point IDCT and DCT," MPEG output document W7817, 75th MPEG meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2006.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Updated Analysis and Summary of fixed-point DCT/IDCT Proposals," MPEG output document W7816, 75th MPEG meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2006.
- MPEG video subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Analysis and Summary of fixed-point DCT/IDCT Proposals," MPEG output document W7565, 74th MPEG meeting, Nice, France, November, 2005.
- MPEG audio subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Verification Report on MPEG-4 SLS," MPEG output document W7687, 74th MPEG meeting, Nice, France, November, 2005.
- MPEG audio subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Status of Performance and Complexity of MPEG Lossless Audio Coding Architectures," MPEG output document W6794, 70th MPEG meeting, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 2004.
- MPEG audio subgroup, Y. Reznik (co-editor), "Status of Performance and Complexity of MPEG Lossless Audio Coding Architectures," MPEG output document W6676, 69th MPEG meeting, Redmond, WA, July 2004.
This list is not complete and will be updated periodically.